Delawareans throughout the state are talking about Building Opportunity in Delaware.
Equity & Inclusion
Oregon Community Foundation
Black Student Success
We will work alongside community leaders throughout the state to build capacity and leadership, and scale proven models that improve outcomes for Black students.
Oregon Community Foundation
Fields Artists Fellowship
Fields Artist Fellows, representing different regions of the state, will advance their artistic practice while addressing the opportunity gap within these regions.
Oregon Community Foundation
K-12 Student Success: Out-of-School Time
Best-practice out-of-school time programs like the ones strengthened by this initiative increase student attendance and academic achievement, and decrease risky behaviors, particularly for our target population.
Oregon Community Foundation
Toward a Thriving Future: Closing the Opportunity Gap for Oregon’s Kids
“This report highlights data on Oregon’s children, and confirms that national trends are mirrored in Oregon. It is clear that Oregon’s low-income children, children of color and rural children are not on an equal playing field with their higher-income peers, something my colleagues and I saw firsthand.” -Robert Putnam, author of Our Kids and Bowling Alone
Community Foundation for Greater New Haven
Support Inclusive Career Pathways in Local Growth Sectors
While continuing support for education and training initiatives such as New Haven Promise and ConnCAT, The Community Foundation aspires to create stronger institutional connections and programmatic links between the …