An increasing percentage of jobs require a college degree, technical certification, or credential beyond high school. The Goal 2025 initiative was created to promote and sustain a continuum of effective preschool through post-secondary educational systems.
Goal 2025 seeks to increase the proportion of Newaygo County residents who hold high-quality college degrees, technical certificates, or other credentials to 60 percent by the year 2025.
We work closely with local public and private school districts, the Newaygo County Area Promise Zone, and WE CAN! Newaygo County—our local college and career access network—to take steps towards this shared goal.
For our grant seekers, Goal 2025 requires intentional integration to address:
- Kindergarten readiness
- STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, math)
- Literacy
- Remediation
- Creating a positive college and career-oriented culture